Today's lesson is gonna be a series of questions. I pose them to you in seeming stream of consciousness but I tell you there is a method behind it.
Are you happy? Do you believe in God? Do you consider yourself a religious person? Do you vote? Are you scared of the dark...still? Does it scare you because the ghost is gonna get you? Do you have a special way of turning off the lights so that the ghost can't get you? Yeah, I do too but I'll talk about that later.
What's the scariest moment of your life? Were you alone? Do you ever brush your teeth and, while you're spitting out the toothpaste and looking down at the sink, you think "When I look up there's gonna be something behind me in the mirror, I know it...?"
Have you ever almost got into a really bad car accident and thought, "Holy (insert expletive) I could've died...?" Were you a little nicer to people for a couple days afterwards? Is believing the same as faith to you?
When the light turns green, do you sometimes wait a second or so just in case there's a car "running the Red?" Has there been a time where some jerk really WAS running the Red and you randomly but definitively decided to pause before driving through?
Has anyone ever asked you if your were "psychic?" Did you "know" I was gonna ask that question? Do you kinda laugh it off, but then think, "(expletive,) maybe I am psychic." Do you play the lottery? Are you an optimist? Do you have homeowner's insurance?
Does prayer work? Even if you aren't religious? What does religious mean to you? Did God create religion? Does that question offend you? Do you use the word "Wordly?"
If you hope for the best but prepare for the worst aren't you preparing for both? CAN you prepare for the best?
Do you believe in psychosomatic conditions/symptoms; that people can will themselves to sickness and health separate from acts of divine origin? Do you believe in miracles? Have you witnessed one? Do you believe in Angels? Are they a physical reality like you and I? Is consideration of all this a waste of time cause you're an atheist, born-again, scientist, or just bored?
If you really really really want something, will that something make its way in to your life? Has it already? (By the way, this actually does happen...

Did you answer yes to a lot of these questions but if I asked you whether or not you believed in Aliens you'd kind laugh it off? I mean it: Little grey aliens with big black eyes coming down some kind of ramp from a flying saucer with anal probes and nose implants in hand? It's almost funny but not quite because you probably know someone who's roommate was abducted by these same little bastards.
Are Aliens good or bad?
Do you hope that when you give homeless people change, that charity will come back around? I'll answer this one for you: It does come around, same as when you're like, "get a job you bum" and then your waffle cone of Chubby Hubby or Cherry Garcia falls in your lap in your new car 5 minutes later on your way to a job interview. I can't prove this is a fact, I just know it.
That's my meaning folks.:
How do you justify things in your life that you know, believe or have faith are true but you also feel just as certain that you can't actual prove they exist?
I personally (I love that, as if using the word "I" wasn't "personal" enough to begin with) believe it is this quality that makes us human.
Finally, have a good weekend everybody. Nothing too serious or too seriously entertaining today, just a few thoughts to ponder as you enter the weekend.
These guys are absolutely rockin out. It's funny if you take it out of context, put some Justin Timberlake in the background and it still makes sense:
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